Background here and here. Pictures get bigger when you click them.
One of my brethren in The Elect*** and creator of Western Nightmares. No interview found during initial cursory search, but here's his page at Prism.
*** I'd provide a link to the official Electus web page but there isn't one because it's down for reasons none of us understand, really, and we can't do anything about it because the loser the person in our group who owns the url and has sole access to it has not, for about 1.5 years, managed to hand it over to any of the several others in our group who have volunteered to run the site despite many promises to do so which means in a few months when that url reemerges filled with porn because the loser the person let it lapse and some porn outlet grabs it there will be a Reckoning, let me fucking tell you.