As ever, I had a fabulous time at show, even though Car Drama that
hit two days before I left wiped out 2/3 of my spending money for the
week.Never pleasant when that happens, but nothing to be done but
adjust and go forth - and shower thanks on friends who took care of
your Evening Beverage needs!
For the first time ever I had a camera-like device in hand. I'm
part of my department's mobile strike force, which means I spend a lot
of time moving all over the convention center and off-site in the
execution of my duties. Let's just say 7- to 9-miles walked daily
during show week is not uncommon, and I see a lot.
Turns out I took over 300 on-the-fly picts! No wonder that guy at
the other outlet where I streamed most of them for upload here later
complained. Here's a small selection. Many of them are crap because
they're phone pictures. Do you care? Didn't think you would!
wish I had been table to take pics of even more of the fabulous
costumes, which were everywhere, maybe slightly more than last year.
Though there are captions embedded in the picts, looks like TypePad
still hasn't fixed the hover problem, so you can't see them. Sorry.
In general for worker bees at show, Sunday is a light day. For the most part we are free to hit to floor that day. Wednesdays used to be our light day, but then the fans discovered Preview Night...
Because you can't see the captions - the one of the kids holding up the handmade Twilight sign? The caption for that one is DICKS. I saw several of these throughout the week, berated them all if I had a moment free to do so, and am still appalled by how those mostly-female Twilight fans were treated by entirely too many fanboys. That's going to be it's own post, so more later.
The caption for the blurry panel room shot is "Why Is He Still Talking?" And that's all I'll say about that one.
The two pictures of people holding up giant bags were my Giant Bag Swap Triumphs! The first swap (for myself) I had to get a V bag in exchange for a Harry Potter bag, which wasn't hard..took maybe 20 minutes of approaching people at random. The second swap (for the girlfriend of a friend) I had to get a Harry Potter bag in exchange for a Watchmen bag. That was *much* harder and took over an hour. It wasn't until it occurred to me to Profile - as in pick people with Harry Potter bags who didn't seem to be the Harry Potter type - that I scored. Even though the second one took forever, had much fun hunting for both swaps.
The "Wild Things" crown shot (actually captioned The View From My Head), too bad I didn't get a full picture of me in that crown, because I looked great in it! It's off in the mail to my niece.
There are two shots taken while I Was Actually Standing In A Line. When I got in that line I fired off multiple texts to buddies so they could point & laugh. One of them actually ran from wherever he was to the line, found me in it, and pointed and laughed! The running joke is I Don't Stand In Lines, I Boss Around People Standing In Lines. Seriously, the last time I stood in an actual line for anything at show was 1998. But the WB booth was giving out Superman & Batman capes, and I wanted to snag one or two for my nephews. Alas, right when I got up to the table they were out of capes! So it goes. The coolest thing about that line was once you finally got up to where the snake began, there was a WB suit worker bee there giving out high-5s for making it that far. I laughed so hard! (That line ran all the way from the WB booth all the way down the middle one of the center aisles to the far wall of aisle 5200. Normally that sort of thing would wig out we CCI worker bees, but it was Sunday, they had their people and Elite stationed throughout the length, and it went well. I was ready to speed dial up the chain for reinforcements, but didn't have to.)
Standing in line every once in a while keeps me humble. Heh.
For the guy with the giant painting, go here for details. It took him 9 months to do, and there are over 1540 pop culture figures represented in the work. Amazing!