Yes I am!
I got the Litany. I got my super-hyper mojo on. I got so very off-book that I can actually rearrange entire segments of the story at random on the fly while talking on stage, and still get back to where I was supposed to be in the script to take it home.*** I got one of my go-to relaxation movies - Armageddon - up and ready to roll for today and tomorrow morning when I fire up that, John Boswell's glorious songs created for my show, and also this one, all on continuous rotation as a It's A Process sort of mind trick thing.
And I got a fantabulously awesome collection of friends who turned over staple gun hammers and cat hair lint brushes and their lists and their cars and their camera equipment and chocolate and cabernet and even their physical selves in the middle of the night when I was in Need and said so and they Answered - even though my apartment is a complete and total pit right now - which means it was not easy for them to fight over couch/floor space so they could Collectively talk me through the Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul.
These people did not look with Harsh Judgment upon me when I admitted that I needed Somebody to be here last night. Not only did the first contact show up, he reached out two other local pals who also showed up at the house in the middle of the night, and and and then he/they(?) contacted two others who live far away to join in.
You know those emergency management calls that you hear on tv in tornado country? The loud, annoying electronic tone to get your attention? it was like that.
So what I had was a gloriously delightful roil of people talking all over each other about Whatever and doing so At Great Volume while sometimes yelling at me with related advice about the Issues going on in Life that brought them to the house to begin with before breaking off to yell at each other over the advice offered. And they showed up with snacks and wine and whatever they thought they should bring that they could find at a 24-hour outlet.
I didn't ask for them to bring anything but themselves. What I asked for companionship late into a very difficult night. I wasn't sure anybody would answer. They all did, though. All of them. They have their own things going on, and they answered anyway.
It was beautiful. I didn't have to say anything or work to hold up the conversation(s). They don't do what I am trying to learn to do, but they all understood what was behind my "I can't talk/I can't stand the sound of my own voice right now/I need a distraction/ Help Me Please." And so they did. When I started crying a bit once I clued into what was going on, they either Gently Mocked or Ignored it because they Understood.
What these people did last night, from gut level understanding, is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me.
Trust. You have to try it every once in a while. Sometimes it pays off. Most of the times it doesn't, but when it does? Wow.
They also worked out couch/floor space without involving me directly (except for the bit where they confirmed there would be homemade pancakes at the end, yes? Yes!).
In a way this flows into the Kickstarter 106, only 1/3 of whom I actually know personally, but there they are standing in Support and Belief anyway. They are the reason I can do this. I could not have mounted the show this year without them. The people who provided signal boost help are, to me, part of that group.
Which is a really long and rambly way of saying I. Am. Fucking. Ready.***
I'm typinig this having gotten back from my second tech, this one with the mighty Konstantine Anthony at ComedySportz LA, where ! Death 40-Feet Tall ! will be based for the run of the Hollywood Fringe Festival. Because this one was with Konstantine, who is also my Guide for this #HFF11 version, I got a couple of dead-on last minute notes to remember to execute once ! Death 40-Feet Tall ! goes live for nine shows.
Alas, I will not be going to see The Mountain Goats when they play at the El Rey next week, but that's because I still feel guilty for abandoning Fringe at points last year for WorldCup and so pledged I would not do that again this year. Too, when the Goats are on their stage, I will be on the Fringe Caberet stage in the big bar tent Throwing Down.
I. Am. Ready. Come see for yourself.
Background here!
Tickets (pay what you can) here!
Big picture of the Fringe here!
*** Technically when that happens? It's an accident. But you will not know this if it happens when you come see me, because I rock that hard.
*** Please note: ! Death 40-Feet Tall ! is family-friendly. I do actually get through an entire hour on stage without saying "fuck" once! Truly!