The week started off with suck, and the part that sucks still does, but as that is largely out of my hands, the best I can do is let it be while it works itself out. Happily, the rest of the week picked up in fine form!
Last night at Fanatic Salon, the fantabulous Victoria produced a night of deep geek storytelling. We performers were all geeks, the audience was mundane, and it slayed! I did my prom story; Lora talked about her relationship with Conan the Barbarian; Kurt talked about being Christopher Pike; Amanda's story involved Frank Welker, June Foray and Spider-Man; Scott shared how he got involved with the 501st; Steve told what happened when he lied to his friend and dragged her to Bionicon; and George talked about his failed attempts to gain superpowers.
It was a super fun night in a great space. At the end, I got a ride home in a convertiible, which let me tell you beats the bus every time. When I got home from the show there was even more fabulousness waiting!
1: An awesome classic Optimus Prime fitted t-shirt was on the stoop, mailed from a friend. It fits perfectly, and it's gonna look phenomenal paired with my pencil skirt for my date this weekend!
2: Joy upon joy, in the inbox sat detailed crits from two beta readers who were handed the 18,364 words of the story for my Kickstarter backers! Which means next week I can start the rewrite and hopefully finish it up before the month is out.
I think I need to start a mailing list. Hmm.
Update! Friday brought another bit of unexpected kindness gifted by a friend: