As I'm working on the sure to be overly-long Kickstarter post, the thought hits that I don't want this bit potentially lost to the tl;dr eyeballs of that entry.
I pulled this off in part because of the massive levels of signal-boosting by people I know and even more that I don't. If I try to name-check them all I'm going to screw it up, mainly because I could only track part of it. Some of the signal boosting happened in places I don't have access to, so I couldn't track back to see where it possibly came from. So instead I offer this blanket statement!
Each and every one of you, thank you ever so much.
Okay, back to trying to figure out why I can't seem to do a simple thing like send a download link via a file sharing service. I can't use my normal file sharing service due to the volume involved. Arg.