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They won at least that much. Most of the country was able to grudgingly live and let live. Others went underground to bide their time. And the hatred has lingered and festered. So when Obama was elected…they realized that their cause would be forever lost if drastic measures were not taken. And because there were big business types who also feared Obama might do some of the things he promised, the lunatic fringe found itself being encouraged and funded by men who didn’t need guns—they had money. And real power.
It has to be incredibly heady to be courted by these people, who, under different circumstances, wouldn’t let you anywhere near them except to fix their plumbing. In fact, I’m sure the power brokers aren’t out there waving the posters they help pay for. And I bet if the people who are waving those posters could hear their benefactors talking about them in private…well…they might not really care. Those benefactors are paying them to say things they didn’t dare for decades.
And it feels real, real good.