Via DeadBro, what really sounds like a seriously No Good Can Come Of This upcoming comic series. I'm just gonna excerpt the exact same things Racialicious tagged because well duh.
I'll just add a little bit of What's In My Head when reading the source copy they pulled this from. To which I'm not gonna link because well duh.
Rima The Jungle girl has no trace of any European ancestry in her features – she is clearly native no really don't go by the illustration, trust the copy over the illustration, or any experience you may have had talking to indigenous native persons in addition to whatever you think you saw in National Geographic because she is supernaturally beautiful as all indigenous native persons are, just tweaked a little bit so that she conforms to universally acknowledged standards of beauty which is necessary for the market and the wet dreams of our target audience, we went through the same effort that Werner did to find an indigenous native woman like this among all of the regular ones well except for the part where we just sat on our asses and drew it so anyway that's one of the reasons she is also always mysterious because that's why indigenous native persons keep showing up in National Geographic when you think about it, and we're just reflecting that in our work, and that's She never speaks, but whistles as if she’s talking to birds – the siren of any story she’s in just like in National Geographic, sort of, and since she's not a main character, but a catalyst that drags the real main characters along to their inevitable fates which as we all know is the prime function of any brown (but not too brown in our case lol) character in mainstream entertainment what she does always leads to the protagonist of the story showing what he/she is really all about and also fuck him using her mysterious native vaginal tricks oppressed white women don't know because they weren't raised in the natively wild freedom of the jungle.
My guess? It'll be like LoEG. Remixed pulp world where certain issues are safely taken on under a false veneer of we are all so hipster progressive, while the equally difficult and tricky will be largely ignored. You know, like steampunk in general! That's so very In now. Quite enjoyable provided you have your darkly tinted goggles so tightly strapped to your fucking brain no Unpleasant Realities Of The Time can seep through the little brass shield things on the sides and harsh your remix squee.