Because the blog was on autopilot last week - and truth be told, it's on autopilot this week - I did not get around to providing advance notice of a show at iO West held Saturday night.
The Devil In The Details is a series of one-person monologues backed by a pretty good live jazz band. This particular outing focused on Hollywood Experiences, be it getting to H'wood or the peculiar quirks of Living Hollywood. (Living Hollywood is not the same as living in Hollywood. That's a discussion for another time, and as it's a rather prickly one, we're not going to attempt to get into it now.) Because I'm still new to this realm, I'm not exactly sure how many of the Most Excellent performers who took the stage were executing a scripted work, or were sharing an experience from top of head. I just know I was blown away by all of them, and cannot wait to see this again.I have yet to see a bad show at iO West, but even by their high standards THIS SHOW WAS OUTSTANDING. As far as pure entertainment value goes, I would put it on the level of Concept Album, which was my absolute favorite show at iO so far.
Because I will never be other than what I am, I must also point out that it was one of the most diverse shows I've ever seen there.
The emcee, whom I also think was the producer, indicated at the end that they will do this again, probably with a different topic I'm guessing. Dunno if it will feature the same group or not. I don't care. If schedule allows, I'm there! You should be, too.
I will do my very best to let locals know of it ahead of time, and strongly encourage you to attend. What a great night of entertainment! Bonus - tickets are cheap by local standards at only $10, and if (unlike me) you are of the bar culture type, iO West has a bar attached, with hefty cheap drinks and what appears to be a lively scene. So you can come early and hang out in the bar, or you can stay after and hang out in the bar.
Please note: Mainstage shows at iO West are +21.
I'm typing this at 1:15 a.m. Saturday night/Sunday morning. When I get around to it I will come back and update the post with links to whatever websites I can find of the first group of performers. No really, I will. Promise. *Totally* mean it this time.
Meanwhile, iO West is on the nely-announced official venue list of the very first Hollywood Fringe Festival! So is Second City. HOORAY!