View from my kitchen window. In a *strictly* technical sense, they are not *my* avocados, since the tree has been lovingly grown and cultivated by the Gardener of Eden next door for a couple of decades now. But out agreement is anything hanging over the wall is Mine, and anything I can reach after climbing onto the wall is Mine, and once those are all gone and I go I Can't Reach Them Anymore, whatever he brings down using his picker thing is also Mine. It works out great! Usually his tree bears two crops each year and I love watching them come in. Looking like it's going to be a good one this year.
Here's a shot of My Oranges, also visible from my kitchen window. Several times a year a giant bag of them appears on the porch. They are sooo tasty.
If you could see the rest of his yard, you would indeed agree that it is Mighty.