Sherman Alexie has an hilarious (and weirdly thought-provoking) essay in the latest LA Weekly! Snippet:
She was breathless, amazed, maybe aroused. She was very attractive. I
wondered if she’d have sex with me simply based on the fact that nobody
in the audience had left. As I shamble through my literary life, I
often meet women who’d have sex with me simply based on the fact that
I’m good with metaphors. No, that’s not quite it. Women find me
attractive because a lot of people have decided I’m good with
metaphors. There’s been a consensus reached on my ability with
metaphors. Can a consensus serve as an aphrodisiac? I don’t have sex
with these strangers, but I do revel in the fact that I could have sex
with many of them, dozens of them each and every year.
In that same issue, Alexie also has something to say about the Seltzer situation, but since I I want to include that one in the link round-up of post-revelation stories, I'll save it for then. I'm still going through all the stuff that came in while I was away. (But of course nothing's stopping you from going to the LA Weekly site and hunting around for it now if you like.)
Like so many, I <heart> Alexie.