Blog's on autopilot for most of this month while I'm busy elsewhere,
giving me an opportunity to clear out posts that have been held hostage
in the drafts bin for one reason or another.
This is what the keyboard looks like from where I sit.
It's either wiggle my hands under him (fortunately I don't need to see the keyboard to type), or shove him to another part of the desk (which means risking the complicated piles of papers), or pick him up and throw him onto the couch. The problem with the couch option is blah opens to round of ! yay it's the throw me on the couch so I can bounce and run back so you can throw me on the couch which means i get to bounch run back and have you throw me on the couch again because you know what i could do this all day !
I fucking hate that game.
I was hoping that the pillow I made him out of his fave blanket would help, it did a bit, until he decided he liked his home perch better. He's like this with the sewing machine, too.
Sometimes I can get him to center, occasionally I can get him to sit on my lap while I'm working, as PsychoKitty used to do, but if he's on my lap and not being petted, he whines. If you've ever heard a Himalayan whine, imagine that for three hours straight. If you've never heard a Himalayan whine, then think of the cutest yet most irritating baby you know. What that baby sounds like when hungry? That's what this cat sounds like when he whines.
Yes, that's a keyboard attached to the laptop. This is because the keyboard on the laptop stopped working for no reason other than All Tech Hates Me, and it went down So I grabbed . Thing is, I *love* this shiny keyboard! It's quiet, it feels good to lam, it's pretty. The only downside is bbb so I've got to get a skin for it. I'm also not too sure it can take extended hammering. Some people have lead feet, I have lead fingers.