They have asked us how did this happen
because of his skin color
This government deported this
young man
because of his skin color
Did not believe him when he said
he was born in California
because of his skin color
Did not examine or attempt to
verify their own records
Saying he was born
In California
because of his skin color
Did not look for him once it
deported him illegally
because of his skin color
Misrepresented to a federal judge
what it was doing
because of his skin color
Did not tell his family
He was finally
because of his skin color
Even at the last put an
immigration hold on him
because of his skin color
What saves us from
Our frailties
Our imperfections
Is our caring
For one another
Today as for the past 89 days
The United States government
failed its only purpose
Spreading fear
and sadness
Instead of comfort
But if this is a day to disappoint
at the
Of our government toward one of its own families
It is a day to marvel and revere
The power
Of Love
On the part of Pedro’s family
That overcame their government’s
A family
That would not be swayed
But by the beat
Of its son’s heart
- Mark Rosenbaum, legal director, ACLU of Southern California
(Words by Rosenbaum. Overly-done artistic formatting without adequate punctuation by Me.)
- The Initial Court Briefs (WARNING: Link takes you to an 11-page pdf file)
- "A mother’s search for a son, born in East L.A. but deported by County Sheriffs"
- "LA's deportation disgrace"
- General roundup of links to early stories
- "Wrongfully deported SoCal man found at border crossing"
- "Pedro Guzman's return"
- "Disabled man found after being wrongfully deported"
- "It's really a tale about immigration policy in chaos"
- "Pedro Guzman Detained In Colorado Inn"
- "The Memorandum of Understanding in Action: How L.A. County Jails Screen for Criminal Aliens"
- "LA County Jail Deputy Blames INS For Pedro Guzman's Deportation"
- "If The ACLU Is Right, Chertoff Is Running A Kidnapping Ring"
- More links to come.