Geek Vegas! My most favorite event of the year. (Term swiped and slightly altered from the Comics Reporter. I think he first used it two or three years ago.)
There will be no posting or email while away. There are people to see and fun to be had! This is not a time for sitting in front of a computer! This is a time for bossing around people standing in lines! So many beautiful lines! Followed by Guiness! So much lovely Guiness! And sushi! And whiskey!
If you don't feel like going through the grid, just go here. Or you can go here.
Somebody should put that on a T-shirt.
To answer several versions of the same strange question ... yes feel free to introduce yourself/say hello if you can catch me. I only bite if you say something stupid, or if you get between Me and the Alex Ross sketchbook (of which, I understand, there are only 500. Whose brilliant idea was that?). Also, beware blocking my access to the One Black Kid prints or to the new Beanworld stuff. It's probably not a good idea to get between My People and Max Brooks, either. He's gonna be at show! *squeal* Since I will be busy, I have assembled a Strike Team to hunt him down and get one of my books autographed. One group has the guide, one group has the regular WWZ and I will have the ARC of WWZ, just in case. I wish them luck - especially the one who's only been to a couple of standard SF conventions, the sort of events were every single attendee and the exhibit floor and the panels can easily fit into just ONE of CCI's program rooms. I gave her the talk about deciding what kind of show she wants to have before she arrives. I give that talk a lot, but it never takes the first year. What will happen is she will walk in, have Sensory Overload, then run around in a Frenzy of Joy doing absolutely everything she possibly can at random until she falls over and runs out of money. This is what happens to almost anyone who has one day available and no *true* concept of what CCI is like until they see it for themselves; it also happens to first-time full run. Thurs/Fri, part of Sat they're in the Zone. Sometime Sat afternoon it starts to hit, and by Sunday they can barely drag themselves out of their hotel room. After that first time they Get It, and know how to approach future trips.
For example, when schedule allows I have a comics & books show because I go to just the comics stuff and the books stuff, then I wander around the exhibit floor and enjoy looking at everything else. The only time I go down to Hall Hell (ground zero for film & television stuff) is when I have to as part of my volunteer duties. I have friends who have a media show, because they pretty much set up camp in Hall H and have a grand time. Other friends have a media/gaming/comics show. I knew one guy who would have what I called a swag show because all he did was go around getting as many of the nicer freebies as possible. Thing is, he never put that stuff up on eBay or anything, he was just happy to cram his house full of crap.
Anywho, the MB Strike Team has the thanks of a grateful nation just for agreeing to try. Our chances are slim, but to reach Victory one must make the attempt. Never give up, never surrender!
Then again, none of us know what Max Brooks looks like, so in a way the Battle Plan is already funny...
Back in a week or so.
Later, update on Sienkiewicz sketchbook!
Even later, update on Max Brooks!
And of course, it's NEVER a good idea to get between Me and Los Bros. I don't give a damn what that restraining order says.