I can't listen to these radio interviews with Eddie Campbell because I'm on dial-up (specifically I'm on Earthlink dial-up that has become progressively less reliable and near unto useless over the past few months and I'm tired of dealing with these people...meaning I need to find an ISP that does not suck ass), but you can! Well, maybe. You can for sure listen to the second interview provided in the First Second post, but for the life of me I can't figure out how you're supposed to listen to the first one. When I click on the first one, I get a page that says there's an interview, but no actual interview...
You all know about the fantabulous EC bookmarks, right? I put my HPL one in a frame beneath the printer, even though thematically it should go in the kitchen next to the Study in Emerald poster. The others I have arranged as sets in the bathroom and the hallway. Oddly, none of the bookmarks are being used to mark an actual book. That's because they're too nifty and I'd lose them if I did that.
Update! Look what Journalista revealed today.. The Blog of Eddie Campbell.
And then there's The Blog of the Child of Eddie Campbell, who is, as predicted, a total babe like her Mom.