To facilitate communication with those who will be involved with a project that is already obscene amounts of fun even though I just started on it, I have created a private subsite to BGF Central.*** Since my Big Picture Plan requires me to eventually build a website from scratch, which means All Tech Hates Me Girl has got to learn how to do this stuff, I decided to start with this one because it's relatively small. Above is the banner I created for it all by myself! It only took three hours, lots of consulting with the Photoshop manual, a few tutorials I found online and half a bottle of Riesling.
The picture on the left is Lovecraft's grave. The picture on the right is a still from the classic noir movie M. The font is in HP Lovecraft's actual handwriting. Isn't it lovely?
I got the font from the HP Lovecraft Historical Society. I've mentioned these people around here before. The stuff they put out rocks! They've got fonts, documents, props, all sorts of stuff I use often to create silly things that make me happy and amuse a couple of friends. Two of the prose projects I'm working on I've been writing in this font instead of in the usual Times New Roman. I'll have to convert the manuscripts to TNR before sending them out because it's probably a bad idea to send anything around in that font, but the Altered State benefit I get out of writing those in his handwriting it's worth the extra step.
If you click on the HPLHS link you'll see that the organization has a movie out. I haven't seen their movie, but it's getting good notices. After a decade or so of cringing through movies inspired by Lovecraft's works, the official position of BGF Central has long been to avoid all mythos-based movies.
If you can identify the source for the quote in the banner, which I obviously slightly modified from the original, you get a No Prize!
Meanwhile, due to this victory the main site will be assaulted with new banners and looks at random times down the road until I settle on the one I like. Much to the dismay of Some People I Could Name, purple will remain the dominant vibe.
*** I will not be sharing the url for this subsite beyond those who Need To Know. However, I will probably share the occasional tidbit from that project here while it's in the works.